About Us

Republic Bharat 24 is a leading 24-hour Hindi-language regional news and current affairs channel which is the flagship property of the Times 7 News Website founded by a well-known personality, Mr. Jitendra Dadsense.

www.republicbharat24.com is a digital news platform reporting and writing on issues in Chattisgarh and India, with a specific focus on the largest state of the country “Chattisgarh”.

Our content includes news, ground reportage, news analysis, and opinion. We report and write on a wide range of issues and events. Our core strengths include our deep access to every part of the state, incisive editorial acumen, and insightful news analysis and opinions.

Republic Bharat 24 believes in digital journalism. It is a smooth blend of video, audio, and text for the best and easiest experience integrated with Web and Mobile. With a compelling combo of content, tech, and distribution, we’re developing high-value digital journalism, storytelling, and advertising at scale for our viewers.

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